Have implemented as per the suggestion. But still same issue is coming. Have attached the screenshot. Let me know if the implementation done is right. Or i can change it if not implemented properly.
Please check the selector of that element and then try once. Make it reliable selector and so that it will work without fail.
Click ‘BUTTON’: Click generic error.
Above is the issue while executing in uipath studio. I am getting generic error issue. I have attached the screenshot.
Hi @AravindS
Set the WaitForReady property to ‘complete’ and timeout to more than 30sec, maybe 60000.
Have you used attach browser ?
Validate the selector and remove any unwanted properties in selector if its selected already.
click activity has 2 properties, you can try adding one or the other and see if it can fix your issue or try remove Simulate Click
HI @AravindS
This selector doesn’t look like a selector of a button. Your error is coming from Click Button activity…
Can you recreate the selector for the button. A button selector should have more properties like aaname and few other tags. This selector look more like a selector of a open browser or a attach browser activity which will not really work for a button
Thanks Lahiru. Yesterday your suggestion worked but I am getting someother issue.
It calculated SHA1 for the first time, but error I am getting as indicated in the screenshot.
Add click activity inside attach Browser
Hey @AravindS
Can you click on the three lines you see on the top right corner of the click activity and click on edit selector. This will open the selector editor screen. In there, click on highlight button and click on the validate button to see whether it validates the selector and highlights the correct button. Also make sure your web application is on this page before validating…
Use Attach browser and then click button activity
Hi Lakshman, How to make it reliable selector. Any configuration needed?
By removing unnecessary attributes from the selector or passing variables or wild card entries like star “*” or question mark “?” into the selector.