Generating Transaction Reports within RPA Processes

We run a lot of processes for different service areas within our organisation.

At present, we produce excel reports within the REFramework which are provided for the service area to carry out checks, and for audit purposes. There is a line for each transaction detailing whether it was successful, the transaction reference, and notes relevant to that transaction, and any exception messages. We also include stats at the top of the report to show start/end time, number of transactions, time per transaction.

How do others do similar reporting? Do you produce Excel spreadsheets, or is there a better way to be doing this?


there are several ways to create custom reports.

  1. Create a notepad report by using appendLine activity and save as a log file.
  2. Create a notepad report by using appendLine activity and save as a HTML file report.
  3. Post pass/fail report into database by using API and generate reports by using database values. (this is more useful and effective)

You can adopt which ever the report you want. Hope my inputs are useful