Generate Yearly Report - Process Template

Does anyone have a working project for the advanced UI Path training course second project - Generate Yearly report (Chrome browser usage only)?

My dispatcher program is working perfectly, but I cannot get the generate yearly report process to work. To make matters worse, the site does not appear to function in Internet Explorer at my organization and all of the tutorials I have found are built using IE only. The UI Path documentation also seems deprecated and contains many spelling mistakes / logical jumps. I am not even sure what I am supposed to do, so it is difficult to ‘hack’ my way around issues when the steps suggested by the documentation don’t work for chrome. I do not understand the condition that will render a pass on submission, or I could proceed with a workaround.

I have spent dozens of hours troubleshooting this project and would just like it to be over :roll_eyes: . Can anyone help me please?

maybe this help you

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