Generate Yearly Report Dispatcher On Element timeout


I am on the Generate Yearly Report Dispatcher and non of the forums are solving my problem for the timeout error I’m receiving for On Element activity. I have the property RepeatForever as False and I’ve modified selectors as seen on the forums but nothing is working.

Thank you for your assistance.


Hi, run the project on debug mode and share the output…


Your issue, is on element appear activity, it apears that it doesn’t find the element you are looking for…

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Exactly but I’m not sure how to adjust the selector. I’ve followed all of the forum suggestions and nothing is working.


In your dynamic selector, it should only be :point_down:

"<webctrl aaname='" + in_TransactionItem + "' tag='A' />"

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It did not work.


Show me your dynamic selector code?

Debug and show me error too

Same errors.


Ok, on the first assign dynamic selector :point_down:

"<webctrl aaname='" + in_TransactionItem + "' tag='A' />"

On the second assign dynamic selector :point_down:

"<html title='ACME System 1 - Work Items' /><webctrl aaname='" + in_TransactionItem + "' tag='SPAN' class='page-numbers current' />"

This should fix your issue…

I made the changes for the 2 selectors in my Process.xaml and I am getting the same error.


Ok, so on the process page, your dynamic selectors are correct, but you have to use your dynamic selector on your first click, not the static one…

On get transaction data, change your dynamic selector by this :point_down:

"<webctrl aaname='" + in_TransactionNumber.ToString + "' tag='LI' />"

Now, it should work correctly… Let me know how it goes :slight_smile:

Still running into an error.


So, if you look closely, you will see on your error, instead of getting number “1, 2, 3…” you get a date !

So, i looked closely to your project, i noticed that on your GetTransactionData page, you have :point_down:

out_TransactionItem = now.ToString
out_TransactionID = string.Empty

Instead you should have this :point_down:

out_TransactionID = now.ToString
out_TransactionField1 = string.Empty
out_TransactionField2 = string.Empty

Try this and let me know how it goes… :slight_smile:

It worked! Thank you!

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Cool ! You welcome !

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