Generate Yearly Report - Create Yearly Report

I am attempting to pass the advanced training, but keep receiving 0/100 when submitting. My Dispatcher runs flawlessly to populate my queue, and then my Performer cycles through the queue, all success, and all files are submitted and work items updated in ACME.

I am running out of ideas for what could be causing my errors. The one thing I have noticed is that my Yearly Reports are not including a header row, but if i uncheck “IncludeColumnNames” in the Read CSV activity then I get duplicate headers throughout. Could this be my issue or does the content of the actual Excel file not really matter?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hi @cknight5
Welcome to the community forum!

Could you post a screenshot of the feedback you received on your assignment?

The file you submitted, what did it contain?

The submission contained a ZIP which included both the Dispatcher and Performer workflows.

Hi @cknight5,

Welcome to the community! Have you checked the Completed Items and Correct Items count in ACME site?

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I have, but it doesn’t really assist in finding out what is causing my errors. Is it possible that the format of my Excel file not having headers is causing the issue?

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Hi @cknight5,

Unfortunately, you will not pass unless it says “Passed” in ACME site. You should look at that before you submit your files.

I never really had to check the contents of the downloaded files. Here is what I used -

Read CSV activity to read the monthly files with IncludeColumnNames checked and destination set to monthly DataTable
Merge Data Table activity with monthly DataTable set as source and yearly DataTable set as destination
Write CSV activity with AddHeaders checked with yearly DataTable set a source

And, please double check the file names are as per PDD

Monthly - Report-[TaxID]-[Year]-[Month].csv (Example: Report-RO125678-2018-December.csv)
Yearly - Yearly-Report-[Year]-[TaxID].csv (Example: Yearly-Report-2018-RO125678.csv)

Also, when you update the Work Item, the comment should be in the exact format as specified in PDD

Uploaded with ID [Upload ID] (Example: Uploaded with ID 84c82f20480d8a3a468185e960faa999)

Hope this helps

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Thanks for the thorough response. I am going to run one more time, fixing that my header columns pull in properly. Will report back with my results.

Found my error. When I was passing TaxID’s between workflows, it was populating text inputs with a leading blank space prior to the string. By using String.Trim() I was able to correct and get 100/100.

Thanks to both of you for taking time to assist.


That’s great news! Congrats, @cknight5!

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@cknight5 can you plz upload your zip file

Hearty Congratulations!!! I am trying to get mine. I am pretty new to UiPath(6 months) but not new to coding and development. I made tremendous progress last week. I have few questions. I am also not adding the header - and I think that’s going be an issue. My dispatcher is working fine. When I run my performer, it is not very consistent. Sometimes the system is slow, sometimes the UI Element non found (not always - so it is very difficult to pin point the error). But I was able to process 7 out of 13 queue items. For the Queue - did you use the Uipath queue? I am not able to connect my Studio to the UiPath queue (I am using my Enterprise version of UiPath) and able to use my own Orchestraor. Any help is appreciated. My email: ; I am there but not there; may be one or 2 compilations to glory

Congratulations! I’m creating the workflow for yearly report now, but I encountered one problem. When I was trying to upload the yearly report, the pop-up messages says uploaded successfully, but the confirmation ID is undefined. Have you see the error before, and do you know what is the reason for this? Thank you!