Check any of string is in totally in uppercase
So you want any individual word in a length of string to be uppercase? Just want to make sure I understand your question.
this is all in lower case letters
this HAS one word with upper case letters
In the above 2 examples you want #1 to return false and #2 to return true, correct?
If so, then the following assign activity will work. I will assume HasUpper is a boolean variable and str1 is a string variable containing the string you want to check.
Assign HasUpper = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(str1,“\b[A-Z]+\b”)
its correct but “APPLE REdMI” for this condition too its true
Yes, because APPLE is all uppercase. REdMI would not be caught because it is not entirely uppercase.
If you provide more context about what you want to achieve we may be better able to help
it have to match and set true, only if all the string is in uppercase “APPLE REDMI REALME”
Oh ok, this was already answered in your other post here: To check entire string is in uppercase in Uipath - #3 by Dave
I hope I understood your requirement
use below code in Assign activity or message box
system.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(YourInput stringvariable,“[1]+$”).ToString
system.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(“APPLE REDMI REALME”,“[2]+$”).ToString
It returns true When all Character as Uppercase otherwise returns false
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