Formatting in word file

Hi All,

I need to put some data in word but its giving space like:-
For Example:- Below screen showing space between lines.

But I need no space in between lines like:-

Please suggest how to remove space between lines. and I am currently using word scope application and append text one by one put data in word file.


Try removing this option to add newline

Hope this helps


This is not removing space between lines


Then try like this

Concatenate the lines in UiPath only using environment.Newline and at the end use appendtext and add all the text to document only one

Your assign activity looks like this…instead of append text in loop you can add this assign and after loop use append text once

Initialize dtr with string.empty

Str = str + If(str.Equals(string.Empty),String.Empty,Environment.NewLine) + NewTextValue

Hope this helps


Still not working


Did you try to use single append text only?


Yes, It is concatenate the all string


Add a identifier like <TEXT> in word doc and use replace text instead of append text and check


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