Format Cell Modern Activity Help

Hi all!

I want to use format cells modern activity. But what can i write here for this(0,00) format ?


In this photo custom type doesnt work.

Can you make it little more specific?
What will be a sample input and an expected output?


Can you please give an example of number how it should look…

because #,##0 will give the format as without decimals for example…1.23 will be 1

And the same format is tried and the result is as expected

pleaase let us know the format you need accordingly we can suggest


Expected output is 0,00
image @Lekshmi_R


Is comma the separator in your case?

if so please try 0.00 or 0,00


Hello @Betul_Dundar , If your Excel setting is coma as a decimal separator, then Try this

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