Form with drop down and data table

Hi Experts

I am currently looking into a solution where I have a dictionary of String, DataTable (Dictionary A).

Can this be passed to a form containing a drop down and data grid so that the drop drown contains the dictionary key and the data grid contains the corresponding data from the data table for the chosen dictionary key?

My initial idea was to create a new dictionary of String, String (Dictionary B) where I loop through Dictionary A and add the same key to Dictionary B and some sort of description to the value. Dictionary B can then be used in the drop down in the form.

Then another dictionary of String, JArray (Dictionary C) should be created by looping through Dictionary A and add the same key to Dictionary C. As for the data table it will be added as a deserialized JArray value. Dictionary C is then used to populate the data grid.

But can the drop down and data grid be linked? So when the drop down is changed the data grid will be updated with the corresponding JArray?


Dictionary A
Key | Value
123 | DataTable{Name: Anna Molive, Class: B10, Grade: Manager}
456 | DataTable{Name: Paul Mull, Class: C22, Grade: Assistant}
789 | DataTable{Name: Paige Turner, Class: A1, Grade: Senior Director}

Dictionary B
Key | Value
123 | Anna Molive (ID: 123)
456 | Paul Mull (ID: 456)
789 | Paige Turner (ID: 789)

Dictionary C
Key | Value
123 | JArray{Name: Anna Molive, Class: B10, Grade: Manager}
456 | JArray{Name: Paul Mull, Class: C22, Grade: Assistant}
789 | JArray{Name: Paige Turner, Class: A1, Grade: Senior Director}

So when Paige Turner (ID: 789) is selected in the drop down the data grid will update with Name: Paige Turner, Class: A1, Grade: Senior Director.

As far as I know we can only do this with the help of a Button Component. Dynamically changing the values based on another value without the help of a button is not possible yet I guess.