Foreign character replaced with questionmark


I’m currently having issues when typing in a foreign character (å) into a web application.
The word “Åre” is replaced with **image **

This happens when it is part of the process, however, when I try to use one single type into activity it works.

Any suggestions? I can’t translate it to a different character, it has to be “å”.


I think it should be the language you had selected when using GoogleOCR text

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I’m only using “Type Into”. I don’t think there is a way of selecting language in that activity

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hello @Smith93
try setting your value to clipboard with set to clipboard activity and then use set text activity or hotkey to paste that value…
I also faced the same issue… above solution is working flawlessly for me…

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The character is most likely changed in the input phase.
Where are you getting the data(word Åre)? For example in Read CSV/Text activity there is an option for encoding. You can use “ISO-8859-1” to be able to use äöå.


Thanks for the suggestion @AkshaySandhu . But it still gave me the same questionmark.

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Awesome! Thanks @Topi . This Worked

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then issue could be from source of that data as @Topi suggested…

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