I have an issue whereby I cannot execute a Python scope activity. I have installed .NET 5 runtime but when the activity is started it errors (in event viewer, in studio it just hangs) because it finds .NET 6 which also exists for another application on the machine (Visual Studio).
Is there a way to specify the .NET 5 installation when running the Python scope activity?
If not I fear I will either be forced to use a start-process, thereby losing the output, or downgrading to the soon-to-be-unsupported legacy framework (which isn’t great for projects that want to use this!).
Do you maybe have a sample dummy project you could share?
For the record, the Python package is indeed stuck in .NET 5, but we are planning to upgrade it to .NET 6 in the next version (together with support for Python 3.12).
But either way - I also have both runtimes installed and it works without an issue. Thus I was wondering if the project does something specific that could maybe cause this situation: