For Multi-User capability when is the best way to set reference id for uploading data to the queue

Hi All

For Multi-User capability when is the best way to set reference id for uploading data to the queue?

Right now, I am using Environment.UserName or Environment.MachineName to make the multi-user capability working. But the users are not comfortable using either of them. Are there any other solutions that we can use?

I have 10 users running the same bot. Eav user has to maintain their own data and process their own data.


If not username thwn you can go with creating an asset with value per bot option and give any name that you want there which can be appended in id


can you please elaborate?

Could you provide more details on the “comfort” aspect?

Exactly what is the query ?
As you do not want to use 10 different ids or you want to use same id to 10 diff bot ?
Or u r using same queue for 10 different bots with 10 dif ids.

In this case you can add logic while sending data to queue where before uploading you will get queue with ref and machine name as filter in filter property as while setting up bot they all be have different hostname .

Same filter you can apply while fetching data from queue


  1. Create an asset in orchestrator
  2. Select value per bot option while creating which will allow you to give different values for each bot for same asset…for example asset is A …when bot 1 gets it you can send 1 …for bot B send 2 etc…
  3. Now this value can be used in the reference to make that id unique for each bot

Hope this helps
