For each row - loops more than once

Hi, I have an excel with bunch of names. I would like to loop through it and use the name in it as a variable and continue with it. But mine loops for than once each.

@sangasangasanga it may be due to problem in workflow, check the workflow thoroughly once.

Is it the problem with the order. E.g i assign the variable then put through loop. Is it wrong?

@sangasangasanga did u use build datatable activity?

Nope. i used read range from excel

@sangasangasanga i am not sure what is the problem untill i check ur workflow.

In Between y u checking Server(i,e datatable variable) is empty u should serverName if i am correct.

pls check my workflow

sorry, i don’t get you

@sangasangasanga sorry i thought ur are checking serverName is null instead of server in if condition

@sangasangasanga Try using clear datatable activity end of if loop for tally datatable variable. which is shown in pic below.


U have used 2 build datatable activities in ur workflow. In those 2 activities first row is null, delete those rows, which removes spaces generated in excel between two append operation.

try this and let me know

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Hi it works. Thanks.

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