I am running StudioX on version 2024.10.6. I built and published an automation about around a few months ago on an older version of StudioX (I don’t know how to see which version this published version is on). The published automation from that older version of StudioX works perfectly. However, I wanted to add some features to the program, but when I open the automation in StudioX through the .json file now, it does not work the same. I have not made any changes yet to when I originally published the program a few months ago. The program enters numbers from an excel table into an application. I do this by using the For Each Excel Row activity. I have the “Empty Row Behavior” option set to Skip. However, when I run it up in this new version, it is not skipping the row and is instead trying to enter in the blank rows. The excel table it is pulling from has not changed. The excel table does have a formula in every row in a column to sum up the row, but the formula will display as blank if there is no other corresponding data in the row. I believe that is what is causing the problem now. The old published version will skip the row, but the new version does not. I did discover if I unprotect the excel sheet it will work as expected and skip the blank rows, however if the sheet is protected, it will not skip the blank rows. The older version will skip the blank rows regardless if the sheet is protected or not. Is this working as intended or is this a bug in the new version? Is there a way I can get around this? I tried getting around it by having the automation unprotect the sheet before it starts, however, the sheet cannot have a password, and the Unprotect Sheet Excel activity will give an error if you do not have a password. Also, I would prefer not to have to unprotect and re-protect the sheet anyways.
Thank you!