For each Element in a Dropdown list

Hello Forum
I´m trying to get each element available in a dropdown list. I tried the For each Ui Element activity, but the problem is that is not able to confirm the selection. Check the below video… Shows the problem I´m having

So my question is simple, How would you iterate through each element in a dropdown list?

Thank you Once again, Regards.

Luis Fernando Pazos

You can try getting each item in drop down using get attribute

Here is a sample xaml for it:-
Selecting DropDown based on Attribute.xaml (40.8 KB)

Hi @Luis_Fernando

How about the following?


Hello @Quenton_Wayne_Rebello
Thank you very much for your response. I thought about it and tried to apply it, but I could not find an attribute that contained all the items on the dropdown list. I did try selecting different elements. I´m sure this might work in other interfaces.

Hello @fernando_zuluaga, well definitely I didn´t see that confirm button, thank you very much, I knew the solution would come up been very simple, but I never imagined that simple. Thank you once again.

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