Hi Team,
I have used below process to solve some math captcha. but the process is slow as its checking condition one by one. please let me know any other approach to speed up the process.
Hi Team,
I have used below process to solve some math captcha. but the process is slow as its checking condition one by one. please let me know any other approach to speed up the process.
I guess it should be at its best speed if those are only few conditional checks…if you run from
Or hestrator it might be faster …please try…generally in debug or run a little lag would be there
maybe you can try to implement within a secuence adding a Switch Case Acticity
Check else if acitivity. You can put few conditions. It takes the first one thats is true
1st one is not always true, captcha you know, questions can be different everytime. if the question matches then it goes to particular solution.
could you please share a syntax how to implement this.
try something like this
this i know, but how it will check condition like I have put for each flow condition.
for ex: if captchaVar contains (“+”), then it goes to addition etc.
Where I have to put the condition so that it will go to the particular case.
Check this example
switch.xaml (6.5 KB)
How to solve math captcha:
I built sth like that one week ago.
Avg duration: 6sec for reading captcha and solving it
Accuracy: 100%
I found out that google read it really well
That idea was sold to my by one of my friends.