Flow in activity , custom activity

Hi Guys ,

i am facing one simple error into another person developed process, as SAP can not start due to invalid path, now when i tried to look into it, i see that person used activity for same so i am able to see open sap as activity now how to resolve this as i am not able to see code or process its in activity.

How to resolve this.

Please help.its urgent.

@amruta_pawar Why are you not able to see the Code? :sweat_smile:, And Can you explain it in a bit more detail?

ok this is the flow,

After executing getting error as ,

So where to check the path of file as this open SAP is in activities tab of studio,

means it is in package.
which i am not aware may be it is custom activity or somthing.

@amruta_pawar Check the Properties of Open SAP Activity

there is no property.

@amruta_pawar Then I don’t think that it is helpful for you :sweat_smile: , Can you tell me the Package name for those Activities?

lol i dont think that package will be accessible to you. any other way i can change it into that package file?

@amruta_pawar Ohh :sweat_smile:

any other wway???

@amruta_pawar There may be a way, but i don’t know in which method we can access the SAP using the Activity, or if it is only accessible if you place the SAP in a particular path or something like that, You might need to ask the Creator o those Activities :sweat_smile:

creator is not in organization :smiley:

@amruta_pawar Can you hover over the Open SAP Activity and Chevk if any Hints are available, Activity Descriptions may be present. Also whenever an Activity is Created by someone, they will have documents regarding how to use it, and what are the Inputs and Outputs. If you don’t have that then I don’t think I can be of much help :sweat_smile: