First line coming ,,,,,, in output

Hi I am trying to remove the first line of my output table as it is coming as ,

I tried using Assign File.ReadAllLine(“abc.CSV”) and then did generate data table but I am getting an error “Object Reference not set”

Because generate data table is empty

My flow is

  1. Read CSV
  2. Add data table
  3. For Each Row in Datatable
  4. Assign Account= Account.ToString
  5. Exit
  6. Add data row
  7. Write CSV
  8. Read CSV
  9. Assign File.ReadAllLine(“abc.CSV”)
    10 Generate Data table
    11 Add data row
  10. Write CSV

Can anyone suggest how to overcome this

Can anyone help please :pray:

Answered in other thread. Hope it helps!Handle first line in output - #13 by devik


I think issue was sorted in the below thread,So check once ,if sorted close this topic too.
If not feel free to reach out with your query.