First BusinessRuleException, Compare TaxID, City and Country : Cannot find column 4

I am scrapping the data from Display all vendors. After that I am entering Tax Id in Vendor-Search Page and tries to compare the ‘Vendor’, ‘city’ and ‘country’. Along with this I am only allowing specific cities i.e. Italy, France and Russia.
Now when I am running the Main, it is just taking the first Tax id from the table. Searches it – Navigates back to Vendor-search again and fails to take another Tax ID.

Attaching Process.xaml for ref.

Process.xaml (14.4 KB)

Thank you.

hello @kunal_gawde
in transactionItem only 4 column

column start from 0 so last column should be in_TransactionItem(3) index

use _TransactionItem(0).ToString.Equals(Vendor) and in_TransactionItem(2).ToString.Equals(City) and **in_TransactionItem(3).ToString.Equals(Country)

instead of
in_TransactionItem(0).ToString.Equals(Vendor) and in_TransactionItem(3).ToString.Equals(City) and in_TransactionItem(4).ToString.Equals(Country)


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Hi @sandeep13

made the changes wherever needed and it worked.

Thank you so much.

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