Finding count of Number of Keystrokes involved in Entire Process

hi all,

We want to know the count of all the keystrokes which are involved in the entire process.

Example: We have 1 click activity and 1 type into activity these are present in one for each loop. So we need to find the count of how many clicks and type into’s it did in the for loop.

Please help me with this


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Hey @Nalini,

Use the output index field by passing the global variable & print the variable plus one after the foreach.

This will give you the count on how many times the foreach executed obviously giving you number of times the clik and type activity executed.

Thanks :slight_smile:

hi @Nithinkrishna,

we don’t want to use count, because it is a very big process and at several places, we need to keep count increment.
Is there any way other than count?


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Hey @Nalini,

If you are going to just click and type inside for-each then this method will be efficient.

Also, In this approach you don’t want to increment anything. Just assign a variable to for-each output then you can get the final count at the end of execution in that variable.

If this method is still not suitable for your scenario then you can go with monitor system triggers for tracking the clicks.

Thanks :slight_smile:

hi @Nithinkrishna,

I tried monitor events, but it is not giving me the count of the number of clicks and type into’s.
