we have to find the sum of column Amt for Id no 180
Its present in below format
Id | Code no| Amt
180 | AN99 |88.66.33,90
180 | AN99 |85.66.33,90
180 | AN99 |84.66.33,90
180 | AN99 |83.66.33,90
180 | AN99 |82.66.33,00
180 | AN99 |81.66.33,90
180 | AN99 |80.66.33,90
180 | AN99 |88.66.33,90
182 | AN99 |88.66.33,90
Things to consider are
1)Only Id 180 has to be considered
For Finding Total Sum of all Amt with Id 180
2)There is a difference in the Format in Which amt is present so would require conversion
To find the sum of the “Amt” column for the “Id” number 180 in UiPath, you can use the following steps:
Read the input data: Use a Read Range activity to read the data from your data source (e.g., an Excel file or a DataTable). Store the data in a DataTable variable, let’s call it “dtInputData”.
Filter the data: Use a Filter Data Table activity to filter the rows based on the “Id” column. Set the filter condition to "Id" = "180". This will create a new DataTable, let’s call it “dtFilteredData”, that contains only the rows with “Id” equal to 180.
Calculate the sum: Use a For Each Row activity to iterate over each row in “dtFilteredData”. Within the loop, perform the following steps: a. Use an Assign activity to convert the “Amt” value to a numeric format. You can use the following expression:
This converts the “Amt” value from the format with commas and periods (e.g., “88.66.33,90”) to a numeric format without commas (e.g., 886633.90).
b. Use an Assign activity to calculate the sum of the “Amt” values. Create a variable, let’s call it “totalAmt”, to store the sum. Increment the “totalAmt” variable with each iteration:
Output the sum: Once the loop is complete, you will have the total sum of the “Amt” column for the “Id” number 180 stored in the “totalAmt” variable. You can use a Write Line activity or assign the value to a variable for further processing or display.
Sum = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) x("ID").ToString.Equals("180")).Sum(function(x) Double.Parse(x("Amt").ToString,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("de-DE")))
Use regex to extract the “Amt” value from the row. The regex pattern can be adjusted based on the format of the “Amt” values in your data.
Dim amtPattern As String = “[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+,[0-9]+”
Dim rowAmt As String = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(row(“Amt”).ToString(), amtPattern).Value
Convert the extracted “Amt” value to a decimal. Remove any commas (,) and replace dots (.) with the appropriate decimal separator.
Dim amtString As String = rowAmt.Replace(“,”, “”).Replace(“.”, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator)
Dim amt As Decimal = Decimal.Parse(amtString)
Add the extracted “Amt” value to a running total variable (initialized outside the loop).
totalAmt += amt