Note that a few of these items appear more than once (here ItemA) so searching for ItemA in the supplied search field won’t function safely.
I work on the idea that with a given text and the knowledge on which menu item and submenu item I need to go to, I can map this to a set of keystrokes e.g. “ItemA[k(down)][k(down)][k(down)][k(enter)]” (these keystrokes won’t find ItemA here, just an example).
The tree structure has been static but may change without warning
I figure that I need a better idea. Anyone got one? Is data scraping the tree an option?
Hi Nithinkrishna. Ahh, that selector! Already doing that, selecting the darn thing (with the selector), then I feed it a set of keystrokes because the search functionality is useless.
the trees were isolated (not hierarchical) but was not manageable and retrieved. We dont know your exact structures (alsoabout the necessairy expandings). But at least it is showcasing a find children work.
The solution ended up being to replicate the tree to the form where the user made the selections. The selection generated a series of keystrokes that was saved in the parameter-file. That becomes read by UiPath and fed to the element. Not perfect but it works like a charm. Thank you for your inputs.