Find Files and Folder Google Drive

Hi All,
I am getting error in Contains Function of Find and Folder Activity Google Drive .Here Archive is the folder which I am having and trying to find the Id of this folder/


Did you try With simple plus instead of single and double qoutes.
Try like this

file_id+"in parents and name contains"+Archive

Hi @marina.dutta ,

Please use the double qoute there is no need to use 3 quotes



Something like this file_id+“in parents and name contains”+Archive

Yes, Have you tried this.


This is my Folder structure.

Want to get the Id of the Excel file

Could you please make the change of Scope for Archive variable.

@marina.dutta your archive variable is out of scope make it accessible for this container

@marina.dutta one thing more…make sure these variables are string type if not use .ToString with variable

@marina.dutta ,

Please look this vedio tutorial you will get the idea.


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