Find children visibility

Is there a way find children can check for visibility of element like check app state does?

I am looping through elements from find children to do check appstate for each element. It is taking long time.

Thank you,

Hi @A_Learner

did you try using the Get attribute activity?
you should return the “hidden” attribute in order to know if the element is visible or not


If you’re using the modern activities, you can set the option “Visibility check” (under target) as “Fully visible”.

This option exist in most activities (click, type…).

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Thank you. I tried. As they are not reliable for this application, looking for alternatives.

Hi @A_Learner

you can check for the visibility of an element using the Element Exists activity in UiPath.

To use the Element Exists activity to check for the visibility of an element, you can set the WaitForReady property to Complete, and set the Visibility property to Visible.


If the component need to be visible, you cam try the image selector in this activities, other than that I don’t know a better way.