'Find Children' seems not to work

In the posting at the link below, I have been answered of using "Find Children’ activity.

I applied it to my workflow for multi web pages data scraping but failed. Message Box activity shows no value.
I will appreciate if you see the attached project file and let me know the way to solve it.

I hope @Yoichi find this posting.


Can you share your workflow?
FYI, the following sample is modified to get data from page 1 to 3 ,from the previous sample.

Sequence5.xaml (12.9 KB)


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I’ve found that I almost always have to change the scope to descendants. Children is just one level deep and on most web pages things are nested multiple levels deep. Set it to descendants and then use the filter to make sure you only get the tags you want (ie TD, DIV, etc)

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I thought I had already attached the project file. Your modified workfow was very helpful in getting the job done. thank you very much. But where did my uploaded workflow go wrong? Anyway, thank you very much.

한식영어사전3.zip (138.0 KB)


There seems extra linebreak at the beginning of text from GetText. (for Browser difference?)

Can you try the following regex expression?



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Sorry @Yoichi , with your code this issue was not solved. It would be good to end this discussion at this point. thank you very much.

Alright. FYI, the following is what i modified.

temp.zip (14.1 KB)

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Thank you so much @Yoichi ,

Does the “Navigate To” cause this issue? In your workflow was deleted the activity.



In the workflow you provided, NavigateTo doesn’t already exist. (And your workflow opens chrome windows in number of urls)
The following is a sample using NavigateTo, and it handles in single window.

temp_v2.zip (14.3 KB)


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Hi @Yoichi ,

You are a true Robot Master. You helped me by correcting my mistakes. thank you very much.

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