I want to retrieve value only for descendant attribute only. (“id”- this attribute is available in immediate child as well as Descendant, however with different values). I want the value for “id” only for descendant.
I’m using Find Children activity using scope Find_Descendants and then get attribute to get a particular attribute(“id” in this case) value. Although It is giving me value for “id” for both child and descendant (please see the sample output), however I’m looking to get value directly for Descendant only (e.g. 1, 2, 4, 5 etc.) Let me know is there a way. PFA screenshots for the reference
One logical solution to the query can be to subtract the List outputs.
Find Children using Scope as Children op: ListUiEle_Children
Find Children using Scope as Descendants: ListUiEle_Descendats
Then remove the first collection from second one
This is just a pseudo code for the logic,
hope you get the idea.
Thanks but now i could see that there are more descendants with “id” attribute (please see attached screenshots). So now i’m getting value for the attribute “id” for all the descendants… Please see the sample output. I’m just interested in value of attribute (1, 2,4,5,6 etc.) of the first descendants. Is there a way to get this.
Thanks but now i could see that there are more descendants with “id” attribute (please see attached screenshots). So now i’m getting value for the attribute “id” for all the descendants… Please see the sample output. I’m just interested in value of attribute (1, 2,4,5,6 etc.) of the first descendants. Is there a way to get this.