Find an image in Mail body through scrolling down

Hi all,
I’m trying to find an image(within table) in mail body… It doesn’t work when the image present under the page (i.e) we need to scroll down to look an entire page to decide whether the image is present or not…

Hi @PrabhuViswa,

What activity are you using?

Try Element Exists activity.

I’m using image exists activity

Try using element exists. :slight_smile:
and see if it works.

I’m also tried Element exists activity but it failed in some cases…

Perhaps you need to make a dynamic selector from that element.

—use get outlook mail activity and get the output with a variable named list_mailmesage
—now use a FOR EACH activity and pass the above list variable and change the type argument as
—inside the loop use SAVE MAIL MESSAGE ACTIVITY
—where mention the mail as item and the folder path where we want to save with file name and file extension as .eml
—now use a START PROCESS activity and mention the file path of eml file
—it will open the mail as a window in foreground
—now use IMAGE EXISTS ACTIVITY and check for that image and it will give us a Boolean variable named bool_exists
—use a IF condition like this
bool_exists = True
If true it will go to THEN part where we can use message box like image exists while if it’s false it will go to ELSE WHERE use RETRY SCOPE activity and mention the condition part with IMAGE EXISTS activity where choose that image and in the do part use SEND HOT KEY activity with key as down

Hope this would help you
Cheers @PrabhuViswa

I’m getting this error…

Even I’m using dynamic selector like this in Element Exists activity

It works fine for(full page it trying to find the element) but it returns true for mail body with any table which doesn’t even have the column name “Call logging template” …In my case I want to check if my fixed table template exists are or not…