Find account holder then select it

Hi all,

as showing in the above img
i first find the Account holder is there are not if Account holder is there then select the account holder how can i find and select this one.

Does Ui Explorer recognize this as a table with row and column properties? You can check this by opening Ui Explorer and indicating the words Account Holder then looking at the various properties.

If it does recognize table row, then you just use Get Attribute to get the row of the words Account Holder, and use that value in a dynamic selector to click the radio button.

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  • Try to use Get Text activity and extract the Account Holder
  • Take if condition is the the extracted value is Account Holder or not
  • If it Account Holder then use Check Activity to enable the radio button
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@ushu, but the account holder position changes account to account as like below showing img

@meeraa I guess it works if you pass aaname as Business Account Holder in the selector without using table row value. So that it always looks for Business Account Holder. Once it found using Anchors you can enable radio button

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Again, does Ui Explorer get tablerow as one of the properties when you indicate the words Account Holder? If it does the solution is very simple.

If it does not, you could try setting the Account Holder text as the anchor.

Open Ui Explorer, click Account Holder, and post a screenshot of what it gives you.

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Also, can you click or double-click the row to select the radio button, or do you have to directly click the radio button?

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Hello @meeraa suggesting to use “ element exist” activity. In that select Account holder. Go to selector and remove any attributes which points to the position ( for eg. RowNum, column in etc).

Use if condition. If element exist, use click activity to click on it.

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That will click the cell with “Account Holder” in it which isn’t what they want. They want to select the radio button.

A simple Get Attribute to get the rownumber, and then a dynamic selector for the Click, is all that’s needed. You’re both overcomplicating this.

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Hello @meeraa

Instead of clicking on the radio button, if we click on that particular row, suppose if you click on Account Number, will it check the checkbox?? Can you confirm

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Hi @postwick

Hi @Rahul_Unnikrishnan, no i should click on the radio button Rahul.

Thanks for that confirmation.

From the Account Holder element there is an attribute called tableRow.

Using GetAttribute activity and select rowNumber as below and assign to a variable as below…

use a click activity and click on any of the radio button and go to selector. Inside the selector for the radio button there should be an attribute tableRow. You can pass the above variable to this attribute.

So each time if there is a change in locaiton of Account Holder also, it will work. Here row is the variable which holds the tableRow as per the screenshot.

Modify the screenshot attribute as tableRow

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Notice that the name property is Account Holder.

So take tableRow out of the selector and add name=‘Account Holder’ (and if you want it also to identify something like Business Account Holder then make it name=‘*Account Holder’)

And then use that selector in Get Attribute and the attribute you want is tableRow.

Then you use that attribute in a dynamic selector to tell it which radio button to click.

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Except the selector he provided uses tableRow and tableCol and is therefore incorrect. tableRow must be removed and the name=‘Account Holder’ (or name=‘*Account Holder’) property needs to be added to the selector.

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Do you mean for Accout Holder?? For that aaname is required and for radio button tableRow.

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This is not a web page, it’s a Java app. There is no aaname. The property is name, as shown by his screenshot.

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hi @postwick , how can select by using get attribute activity
its not selecting the radio button

Get attribute doesn’t select the radio button. You’re supposed to get the tableRow attribute (not name) and use that to build a dynamic selector for the radio button.

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