Find 10th Character for each row of specific column

Hello @Kunal_Jain

I didn’t get your condition so clearly can you explain it again?

Hi @Sudharsan_Ka
We just need to compare the columns of excel sheet
can we use linquery for the same??
The Year sheet and Invoice sheet and mention the result into invoice column as match found or not
And the character that we have found we need to check the year using that from config sheet and check the same in both the columns of Year sheet and Invoice sheet

@Kunal_Jain Does it not provide your expectations?

Hi @Gokul_Jayakumar
Actually No
Behavior or the flow of the code is first we need to find the 10th character than check it in the config file (you have used switch case here)and take the year from there and than compare the year for the numstring(that we have taken as variable in the code) into year sheet and at last compare it with invoice date and store the result in Invoice sheet that match is found or not.
I am trying to convert your code into this logic

Based on the 10th character, the switch case will work.
In If conditions you can pass the Config values.

Yes I am working on the same
But can we use linquery to find the same comparison of columns
I am trying to find the solution for the same.

Hi @Gokul_Jayakumar
I am getting this error in Lookup datatable
Lookup Data Table: DoubleConverter cannot convert from (null).
How to solve this?

it means the search value is not available in DT.
Place If condition before the Convert.

If Condition–> Not String.isNullorEmpty(YourString), place convert process in Then, Else means the data not available in Lookup DT

Hi @Gokul_Jayakumar
Now I am getting this error
Lookup Data Table: StringConverter cannot convert from System.Double.

The lookup output variable is set as a system double instead of a string.