I have two data tables,
you need to filter table 1 by column filter from table 2. I’ve already used a loop for each, but the database is very large. This option is not suitable, since in this case it filters the table for a too long time. Is there any other way to solve this problem without using a cycle for each?
It is necessary for the robot to write down all the filtered tables at once, and not to filter each row.
I also tried using Filter Data Table with “Contains”, but it doesn’t work
Probably we can achieve it using LINQ (or Invoke Code). Can you share specific sample and expected result? It’s no problem if dummy data.
ok, I have two books, I need to filter Table 2 by column “NoDoc”, take the values from table 1 - column 1 “Filtering Column”.
Table 1.xlsx (9.5 KB)
Table 2.xlsx (10.8 KB)
Can you try the following sample?
dtKeep = dt2.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) dt1.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r2) r2("Filtering Column").ToString).Contains(r("NoDoc").ToString)).CopyToDataTable()
dtRemove = dt2.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) not dt1.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r2) r2("Filtering Column").ToString).Contains(r("NoDoc").ToString)).CopyToDataTable()
Sample20211228-a1.zip (18.2 KB)
Note : This workflow outputs 2 datatable : one is to keep record which exists in table1, another is to remove record which exists in table1.
Hope this helps you.
it works! thank you very much! You helped me a lot!!!
@Yoichi I have one question. in my real data I need to use read range without headers, how then will the expression change if I use column index?
I mean this expression:
dtKeep = dt2.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) dt1.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r2) r2(“Filtering Column”).ToString).Contains(r(“NoDoc”).ToString)).CopyToDataTable()
Please modify “Filtering Column” and “NoDoc” to index number as the following, for example.
dtKeep = dt2.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) dt1.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r2) r2(0).ToString).Contains(r(1).ToString)).CopyToDataTable()
Thank you very much!!!
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