I have a filter Data Table, and it is filtering by column A, which it is doing correctly. However, my issue is that it is saving in the output for a multitude of blank columns to the right of the end of information. I am just needing the information in columns A through column N, so I can write in a particular area so any formulas are not overwritten by these blanks columns being save. Is there a way to keep the current filter in selection mode and then keep that column range.
Quick question: Are those added columns there after the Read Range activity, before the Filter Data Table? It might be coming in like this due to the spreadsheet containing formatting or content.
In the past, I have had to remove all the added columns, which are named “Column-1”,“Column-2”, etc. I can use the criteria that it starts with “Column” and remove those columns.
For example:
For each col In dt1.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn()).Where(Function(c) c.ColumnName.StartsWith("Column") ).ToArray
Remove Data Column activity //col
Hopefully, I did that right, cause I did not double check this.