Filter present week dates in Excel

I have a situation like i need only present week dates (only availible dates if excel sheet contains one date of present week then return only one) , is there any solution.
please help

Hi @Krishna_547
You can do it multiple ways but best way to do it assign values of current week dates in one excel or in a array and then read both the files in for each row loop gives the condition"YourPresentWeekDate = YourSeconExcelFiledate" if condition Meet it will goes in the then section there you can create an array and from using the counter You can get your desired output.

hi @jitendra_123
how can we get current week dates,
and i cant get your solution. here is my excel file
Book1.xlsx (8.8 KB)

you can get the current week dates using you can add days in it to take the dates of week

can you please provide sample xaml file @jitendra_123

Hi @Krishna_547
Find the (11.8 KB)

Thanks @jitendra_123
Actually it is showing only one date… as for this week there are three dates(04 ,05, 06) can you please fix

Hi @Krishna_547
you can do this using the counter in assign activity where i have used Add days of Datetime function

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