I have excel and in that i have to get only account number column using select().
Please tell me how to achieve this. I used this FilteredDT=dt_Table.Select(“[Accountnumber]”).CopyToDataTable
Can you try the following expression?
FilteredDT = dt_Table.DefaultView.ToTable(False,{"Accountnumber"})
no, its not working
Is your requirement to remain “Accoutnumber” column as the following, for example?
If so, the above expression works. can you check the following sample?
Sample20221228-5.zip (8.4 KB)
If not, can you elaborate your requirement?
Hey its working ya but i dont want the column name i.e header…How to achieve this
And also please explain it man
According to your first expression, it seems you need DataTable as result, right?
If it’s unnecessary to output header, please turn off AddHeader property of WriteRange activity.
Or if you need string array, the following expression will help you.
dt_Table.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r) r("Accountnumber").ToString).ToArray()
dt_Table.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r) r(“Accountnumber”).ToString).ToArray()
when i use this what should be the FilteredDT type? datatable variable or string
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