Now I use filter as below.
"@SQL= " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"& Chr(34) & " LIKE '" & Subject &"'"
If I want to add variable Subject2 in code filter.
How to edit code? (Like Subject and Like Subject2)
Now I use filter as below.
"@SQL= " & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"& Chr(34) & " LIKE '" & Subject &"'"
If I want to add variable Subject2 in code filter.
How to edit code? (Like Subject and Like Subject2)
Hey @fairymemay
I can see you have already included subject variable ?
What’s the current issue please ?
@Nithinkrishna yes. Now included subject variable , But include 1 variable.
If I want use 2 variable in code. (muse have contain 2 variable in subject)
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