How May i Filter Date > 20th of the now.month and now.year?
Thanks alot.
exp.xlsx (10.7 KB)
How May i Filter Date > 20th of the now.month and now.year?
Thanks alot.
exp.xlsx (10.7 KB)
after using read range to read the excel table to dt variable,
assign this to dt:
dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x("Date").ToString)).CopyToDataTable.AsEnumerable.Where(function(y) cdate(y("Date").ToString).Day > 20).CopyToDataTable
You can calculate the 20th of Now.Month and Now.Year as Now.AddDays(20-Now.Day)
(From r In dt
Let strDate = r("Date").ToString
Where Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strDate) AndAlso Convert.ToDateTime(strDate) > Now.AddDays(20-Now.Day)
Select r
it is working but only for one month thanks.
if you also want to only include now.month and now.year do this
dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x("Date").ToString)).CopyToDataTable.AsEnumerable.Where(function(y) cdate(y("Date").ToString).Day > 20 and cdate(y("Date").ToString).Month = now.Month and cdate(y("Date").ToString).Year = now.Year).CopyToDataTable
Thanks alot For the help.
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