Filter datatable with array of string variable


i have array of string variable,

How to filter datatable with the array string variable,

I would like to avoid filter data table activities since there is lot of string i need to filter.


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Hey @mashy2,

-Create a datatable and dont forget to initialize the datatable.Let’s say DT.
-Iterate your string array using foreach and inside the foreach use the statement below:


May i know why it gave output: Expression does not produce any value

Hey @mashy2,

A Little correction Here:


The datatable in the copytodatatable should be different.

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In the Assign activity, you need to have the datatable in β€œTo” field different with the datatable being filtered in β€œValue” field.

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Same error produce:

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Hey @mashy2,

Use this inside invoke code and pass the input and output argument.

This error is being generated because you are copying and assigning the values to the same datatable.

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do u got sample code?

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Pls remove this part from your β€œValue” field: after_filter,LoadOption.PreserveChanges

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This wont work since it will check only column name not its item matching to the array.