Filter DataTable for integer values only, using LINQ

Hello @efleurent

Mostly you get this error when you are trying to use two different datatypes in a query…

instead of all the query you have written, you can do your task only by using the Isnumeric

DT.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(r) cstr(r(0)).IsNumeric ).CopyToDataTable

Use the above query and let me knwo about it

Check this workflow for better understanding

Isnumeric.xaml (7.1 KB)

EDIT:- this code will work just fine unless and until it hits a blank value from an excel file…
to overcome this error
Just tweak your query a little bit by adding a .tostring instead of Cstr

DT.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(r) (r(0)).tostring.IsNumeric ).CopyToDataTable