Hello, everyone!
Is it able to use filter data twice on 1 datatable of read range workbook activity
Yes you can filter the datatable by using two Filter datatables.
Output of First filter datatable activity in second filter datatable as input.
Create another datatable variable for second filter datatable output.
Hope it helps!!
Yes, it is able use filter data twice on 1 datatable
Use “And” “Or” for filtering the datatable once instead of using filter datatable twice
Yes you can use
Read Range (Output: dt)
Filter Data Table
- Input: dt
- Output: filteredDt1
- Filter Condition: ColumnName = "Value1"
Filter Data Table
- Input: filteredDt1
- Output: filteredDt2
- Filter Condition: ColumnName = "Value2"
Use filteredDt2 for further processing
Hi @Temuulen_Buyangerel ,
You can use filter multiple times in data
Thank you!
What if filter by currentrow’s variable from the for each loop?
I don’t know there must be data on the filtered datatable but it says no row in it
Do you want to apply both the filter options on output of read range workbook? or else you wanted to apply the filter first and take the output and apply the filter again to the output of the first filter?
I’m not using the data from the filtered one.
like filtering original one again.
If the conditions are not met in filtered datatable activity, then the output datatable has no rows.
If any row in the Datatable matches the condition then it will store in the output datatable.
Hope you understand!!
Check your filter whether it contains extra spaces or not
Check the condition whether you mentioning the condition correctly or not
Use “And” “Or” Conditions for filtering the data single time
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