I am trying to filter a datatable column on basis of a String which contains the Wildcards.
I am not able to achieve it using Filter datatable activity and now I am trying the Regex Method, It is also not giving all the results.
Table Column - Model contains ABC-VK, ABC, ABC VK
String Value is - ABCVK*, ABC, *ABCVK
Let me know if in case it is possible and how to achieve it.
In general ,wildcard (*) means 0 or more characters. Is it same as your expectation?
Also can you write expression using </> menu because asterisk is special character in this forum and it’s not shown correctly.
The Expectation behind using Wildcard is that I have Values like this (ABC-VK. (ABCVK, ABC VK-VI) in dt
To Filter from this Column, I am adding wildcard so that each value will come in my Filter ABC, ABC-VK, ABCVKVI …
I am adding </> in Start, end and Mid of String, Also replacing any Special character and space with </>
Getting Value of String like this </>ABC</>and </>ABC</>VK</>VI</>
After this Step using the Solution that you Provided, it is not working for cases which have<*/> in mid of String.
How can I filter in this Scenario.
Hope you get the Problem Statement. Thanks