This is an interesting bug that’s happening to me.
I am working on a code where I pass the usual doc path, doc text and dom on to workflows in a RE Framework.
Here, I’m trying to pass in_TargetFile which is the filepath.
When the document I’m passing doesn’t need classification, it’s passing through perfectly to save split documents. But when it passes through validate and train classifier and then goes to save split documents, the “in_TargetFile” argument becomes null.
Maybe we can come to a conclusion from Debugging the workflow,
Probably, we can check with Breakpoints after/On a Step within Validate and Train Classifiers workflows and constantly check with the argument value in Immediate panel at each step. Just so to eliminate the probability of variable/argument overriding with different values and also duplicate references used.
Let us know if a debugging was already done and still unable to find the cause/root activity or the point at which it changes the value.
I did this, but its so funny that after it resumed action target file vanished. What I did was try and add a temp variable that passes targetfile and send the temp file to action center.