File missing in nuget file after publish


I am facing the errors after the workflow publish.

After I published, the nuget file for the specific worfklow didn’t shows on the nuget folder.

And the belows are the attemption that I tried to make:

  1. Delete the json file and republished the package
  • Still missing
  1. Rename and republished
  • Still missing
  1. Manually insert the nuget file, and run though the UiPath Assistant
  • The Error Message “Access to (my nuget file) is denied.”
    -The content in the nuget file is missing after I run
  1. Install the package in the UiPath Assistant
  • The Error Message “Fail to Install (my workflow’s name)”
  1. Checked on the Nuget.config file in %appdata%\Nuget to check on the existance of the “add key=“” value=“””
  • The key is exist.
  1. Restart the UiPath Robot in Services, then republish again
  • Still missing
  1. Create a new blank workflow with name “test” and publish the package
  • The nuget file for the specific worfklow is also missing in the nuget folder

PS: The errors appears today (11/11) or recently as package still can be published at 8/11.

The image below is the details shown in Orchestrator

The image below is status of my nuget file when I manually insert it and run through UiPath Assisstant

Thank you.


The above image shows RestSharp106.6.10 or higher is missing. Unfortunately, in some version of UiPath installer lacks necessary RestSharp package in the installer. So we need to add it and its dependcies package to Orchestrator or machine which robot works.

Or as another lazy approach, if it works dev environment, can you try to copy all the folders %USERPROFILE%.nuget\packages to same place of machine which robot works.


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-The errors just occurred in in these few days, the RestSharp packages will go missing itself suddenly? Cause on 8/11 it successfully to publish and I also didn’t update / reinstall the UiPath.
-Can I know what is the steps to add it?

-The place of the machine is same with the dev environment. It cannot work.
-I did copy the file and put inside the .Nuget folder, but it went missing when I clicked the install button in the UiPath Assistant.

And when I tried on my own pc, I also unable to publish it.
Even though Studio shows that it is successfully published, but I didn’t saw it in the .Nuget folder.



In general, RestSharp doesn’t go missing if you didn’t change environment.

For now, can you try to download RestSharp 106.15.0 from the official feed, as the following?



Can I know whether the url of the official feed is correct?

Cause no package found in the Official

Beside I notice that the dependency of ( also facing the similar problems.


Can you try the following URL?


If it doesn’t work, there might be issue regarding network settings.


Yea, it’s also have the same issue.

How to check whether it’s the issue regarding network settings?


For now, can you clarify the following items?

  • Do you need to access internet via proxy?
  • Version of studio/robot
  • Install mode of UiPath (Service mode or User mode)



  • Yes, I access it through the proxy
  • UiPath Studio 2021.10.6, robot 2019.10.15
  • service-mode installation


Can you try to edit uipath.config for Studio 21.10.6 as the following document?

Then restart service (or reboot OS)


Tested already, still cannot.

Wanted to ask whether is it have any possibility that it is caused by the workflow that I am doing?


I think it’s platform matter. To isolate the cause is whether platform or workflow, we can try to create new project then try to install the package.
Anyway, first, we need to connect to package feed from Studio.

Have you already edit your uipath.config in Studio environment? If error still remains, can you check EventViewer of OS?


I have one things that wanted to double confirm.

Normally, when we publish locally to the pc, the nuget folder will created automatically, right?

Cause when I publish successful, although I can find the package in the specific path I choose.
However, it didn’t create automatically in the .Nuget folder.


Nope, Publishing a project just creates nupkg file in Local PC. If run this process via UiPath Assistant etc, nupkg will be extracted to under %USERPEOFILE%.nuget\packages.
If necessary packages doesn’t exists, robot try to get it from package feed.


I manually insert the rest sharp packages and currently it is able to install ald.

Thanks for the help.

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