File count in Current folder

I have created one bot where i wanted to put the message box for how many file have been processed
ActiveDirecotry.Getfiles([CurrentFolder]) is not giving result

Hi @aslam.sayyed



Thanks Pravin, i used the but getting an error
then i used the the current folder instead of “Path”

now i am getting below error

getting the error message cannot assign from type ’ system.int32’ to type ‘Uipath.Excel.ExcelValue’in assign activity’Save For Later’

Hi @aslam.sayyed

Assign filesCount[int32variable]= Directory.GetFiles(“fullPath”).count


Just to make sure, you are trying this in StudioX right??

I have studio x, i do not have evoke script, snippet. getfiles, count, assign, or anything of that nature. i have version 2022, how do I get the file count in a directory?