I am using the “for each row” activity to paste a range of codes from an Excel file into a web based application. Once the code has been received a message appears after some delay and then the next code is pasted into the text field.
I have managed to get this done so far in UiPath, but the next step would be to grab that receiving message and create a new Excel or text file that creates a log file from this. So each pasted code would have an assigned receiving message.
I am using the “get text” activity to grab this receiving message, but since the format is a generic value I am unable to process it further.
How is it possible to convert this generic value into a data table or write it into an excel file?
Whats the format of receiving message? I am assuming that you are using ‘Get Text’ or related activity to grab that receiving text. If yes then it could be of String type. You can manually change it to the type you want from ‘Variables’ tab for that particular variable.
After changing the variable type, just clear the field from the ‘Output’ property of the activity and input the same variable again. Let me know if that doesn’t work.
Thanks it finally worked when creating a new variable in the tab and setting it as an output afterwards.
Yes the next step would be to create a log file as an Excel file where each pasted code gets its assigned receiving message from the web based program. I thought I have to create a Data Table to write the info into an Excel file