Fail to authorize the user upon using the CV Screen Scope activity

Hi, Forum

While testing the CV Screen Scope activity, faced with the following error saying “401: Computer Vision can’t be enabled. The current user is not authorized”.


This error occurred upon indicating the pdf screen.


The API key is copied from the cloud:

The API Key and the URL have already been set up as shown below:


Is there anything missed?


Try to upgrade the UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities package to the latest stable version.

Log in to Automation Cloud or copy the API key from > Admin > Licenses > Robots & Services and paste it in Project Settings > Computer Vision > API Key.

In Studio, make sure you are connected to your UiPath Cloud Orchestrator.

Hi, @marian.platonov

Thanks for the reply.

As was posted earlier, the API key and the endpoint URL have already been put into the properties. Could there be any other cause of 401 UnAuthorized other than API key?


In Studio, are you connected to the same Cloud Account from which you took the Api Key?

If yes, try to remove the Api key.


Yes, I’m connected to the same Cloud Account from where the key was copied. But, I don’t exactly get what you adviced. Do I need to remove the API Key from my studio? or project settings? or Cloud?

Anyhow, I tried once more; regenerated the API key and applied it to project settings and studio, which didn’t work. Also, tried after having removed the API key from only the Studio but no luck.

Could it be the version issue by any chance? For some reasons, I recently changed the Studio to the “Community Edition '2024.2.1 with User Mode”. Would I need to have another version?
