Factors taken into account for the evaluation of a process

Hi, y’all.
Lately I’ve been doing some research with respect to what factors should an analyst take into account when selecting the right candidates for robotic automation and some questions have arisen.
First, - and I think it’s the most interesting - literature suggests to take repetitive, operational processes rather than analytical ones, but what about those processes that are both: analytical and operational, how do you assess their suitability?
Second, what are the differences between a standardized process and rule-based one? Some guidelines tend to differentiate them, but others do not.
Third, and I think no one - at least as far as I know - has tackled this question, namely, what about those proccesses that turn out to be false positives, or even worse, false negatives? Because, in despite of the guidelines, the results of an evaluation are not infallible and some processes that initially seem suitable, may, after further analysis (when developing), end up being not suitable.
Fourth and last, what are those factors that should be considered but haven’t been included in any guideline when evaluating a process’ suitability? Please note that I am not asking for suggestions made by consultancy firms but those that your experience has provided.
