Facing issue while running job by retriving robot credentials from CyberArk

Dear all,

I have been facing an issue since we setup CyberArk with UiPath Orchestrator few weeks back.

Description - After setting up CyberArk with Orchestrator we have updated robot account credentials in CyberArk and in Orchestrator → Unattended Setup we are retriving robot account credentials.

Issue - Sometime job runs without any issue but sometime it fails with below error.

Error - Could not start executor. Logon failed for user DOMAIN\ROBOTUSERNAME.SV
Reason: ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE=ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE=0x0000052E : The user name or password is incorrect…

Please assist me, if you have any idea about this issue, thanks in advance!

Satyam Baviskar


if it is intermittent check in cyberark if the password reset is updated periodically or not

if it is always happenign then you need to use the correct cyberark name in the robot page


Hi @Anil_G,

Thanks for your response,

  1. I checked that credentials are updated periodically “90 days”.
  2. I have entered the correct cyberArk name in Credential manager.
  3. Unattended setup is also correct, I have checked it many times.

But issue is not yet resolved.


was this intermittent issue only?

is it happenign wiht any specific bot or randomly with any bot?

can you confirm the orhcetsrator version and if it is onprem or cloud

if you create a asset and try to retrevie crdentials using cyberark is it working?


Hi @Anil_G,

  1. Yes this issue is intermittent.
  2. This issue comes randomly for any Bot in Orchestrator.
  3. Orch version - 22.10.0 - Onprem.
  4. It works correctly for Assets.

Satyam Baviskar


check the logs on orchestrator server there might be coomunication issues intermittent which might trigger this
