Facing issue while moving Exchanged email from Inbox to another Exchanged email folder

Hi Team,


We got system exception while BOT tried to move exchange email from Inbox folder to another folder.
Error details: The specified object was not found in the store., The process failed to get the correct properties. @ source Invoke Email_MoveMessage" .

Note: Some of the cases are successfully moved but some cases are failed.
Please find the attached BOT execution log file for more clarification & provide the solution to resolve that type of issue.


I hope you are not using the preview version of the mail activities?


Hi Nithinkrishna,

We are using UiPath.Mail.Exchange.Activities.ExchangeScope, ExchangeVersion 2007.

Gouri A.

Hi. The error Specified Object Was Not Found In The Store sounds like it is missing a dependency. If you have one that works, you may want to copy the dependencies from that one’s project.json file to the other project.json file.


Kindly make sure you have the folder available to which you are trying to move ?


I had the some problem and I updated the Mail package to last version (1.18) and looks fine now.
