Facing below error with Write range under Excel Application Scope, what could be the reason?

I tried by Updating the packages related to Excel,
I included delay activity, but still facing this error.

the same xaml file was working fine last week, but facing the below error now



Have you tried using Write Range for Workbook Activity instead?
Also, your attach browser ‘MyReports Page’ has an error. May be that’s the initial error that needs to be fixed.

Hi @KavithaManohar
give a try on working with WorkBook variable as the output from Excel Application Scope

Retrieving the Workbook:


Using the Workbook later somewhere else (1 time , more time)

Kindly note: don’t fillout Workbookpath

For Variable / Argument Definition ensure to pickup the right DataType

We solved with working by using Workbook variable some unstable Bots and made them more reliable. Plus it was little bit faster, due Excel loading was a bit slow.

Once Write Range is still failing the analyze it with RnD on Excelfile and its content in a seperate Test Sequence

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