Extraction of Data from a JSON

Hi Aksh1

Thanks for your Feedback.
My sequence actually Looks like:

  1. HTTP Request (get a id)
  2. HTTP Request with the ID ( get the json as string)
  3. Deserialize Json (string) as Json object
  4. For each Loop
  5. Write it to line as string

That is working so far (if i filter that everything will be exported). If i Change the filtering to dífferent types i got an error that there are different datatypes in the Array (string, int32 and so on). Think here is the first understanding Problem from me.

I tried to Change the step 3 to a json Array deserialization but than i receive an exeption that the json string is not an array (that isn’t true, that is an JasonArray). So i changed it deserialize json and deserialze it. Is that the reason why i can not Transfer the data to a datatable?

TimoMainJsonArray.xaml (6.6 KB)
MainJsonObject.xaml (6.5 KB)