Extracting Text from String

Hi Team,
I have phone number array containing below string
(123) 456-7890 extension 2
I need extract phone number and extension number .the challenge is ,user can provide combination of any letter within extension .How to proceed that ?

  1. (123) 456-7890 extn 2
  2. (123) 456-7890 ex 2
  3. (123) 456-7890 extraction 2
    1. 456-7890 x 2

If MyStr is the original string with the phone number, do the following:

1.) Assign MyStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(MyStr, "[^0-9]", "-") .
2.) Create a new String array variable PhoneSplit , and assign it as PhoneSplit = MyStr.Split("-"c) .
3.) Use a For Each activity to iterate over PhoneSplit , and use Add To Collection to add each item in PhoneSplit to list PhoneList if the current item is not an empty string (i.e. item <> String.Empty ).
4.) Your phone number is PhoneList(0) + "-" + PhoneList(1) + "-" + PhoneList(2) .
5.) Your extension is set to Nothing if PhoneList.Length < 4 . Otherwise, your extension is PhoneList(3) .